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How Vigorous Workouts Boost Fluid Intelligence

Fluid intelligence involves thinking creatively, abstractly, and the ability to process new information. Many people are stiff-necked and unable to learn new things because they don’t put themselves in uncertain or uncomfortable positions. The more you journey into the unknown, whether that is physical limits, mental limits, or spiritual limits, the more likely you are to boost your fluid intelligence and mental clarity. 

Types Of Vigorous Workouts To Boost Fluid Intelligence

  • High-Intensity Interval Training (high intensity for 30-60 seconds, rest for 30-60 seconds)

  • Plyometric drills (box jumps, ladders, jumping lunges)

  • Sprints 

  • Olympic lifts or calisthenics

  • Martial arts and sports that engage reflexes for quick decision-making

By engaging in these types of vigorous workouts, you will train the mind and the body to be more responsive, efficient, and quick thinking. This will also increase your ability to endure through different types of pain, increase stress tolerance (physically and mentally), and can trigger new neuron formation for better processing of information. 

More Fluid Intelligence Means Slower Aging

Everyone wants to age slower. Often times you’ll see people getting botox, tummy tucks, plastic surgery, etc. all in the name of slowing down the aging process. There is a much more effective and natural way to do this: vigorous workouts! 

Openness to new things while participating in vigorous workouts can slow down the aging of your skeletal muscle and keep cognitive performance high as you age. Both the slowing of the aging of your skeletal muscle combined with maintaining cognitive performance means your ability to adapt to new situations will remain intact. 

There’s More To Life Than Being Worried, Anxious, or Depressed

So many people are worried in this day and age, plus it affects their health drastically. Why are they worried? Worried about what, exactly? Why are people anxious? Why are people depressed? 

Because many people think their lives are more important than they really are. This is not to say that your life isn’t valuable or that you ought to think less of yourself, but rather think of yourself less. Feel your emotions, be present with yourself, give yourself compassion, but don’t get stuck believing the world owes you something. 

Take Your Workout To The Limit And Solve Novel Problems

Working out, particularly vigorous workouts, showcase a different kind of discipline in yourself you never knew you were capable of doing. When you are in the midst of a grueling workout and you have to find something deep inside you to keep fighting, that is where you have to think with flexibility. That is the place where your mind is stretched to its limits. That is where you have to get creative with how to keep yourself inspired to stay in the fight and solve novel problems.


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