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Why Wives No Longer Fear Their Husbands

It’s Not About Instilling Fear, It’s About Respect

Maybe some people might wonder, “Why should wives fear their husbands?” The reality of the matter is there is no respect without fear. It is not about making women fear being physically or verbally abused at all. When a woman is genuinely appreciative and respectful, most men will do anything to make that woman feel safe, comfortable, and go to the ends of the earth for her. What a woman must fear from a man simply comes down to whether or not the man can truly walk away from a woman. 

Wives don’t fear their husbands because they know most men are unwilling to walk away and don’t want to “miss out” on sexual activity. 

Women Leveraging Sex For Control In A Relationship

Some women really think men are stupid. This is not to say that ONLY some women think men are stupid, but in this piece of writing, we are talking about why wives no longer fear their husbands. 

In a recent interview, Candice Horbacz, an ex-porn star, commented about how to make a woman feel safe so a woman will feel comfortable enough to have sex with her man. 

“In order to feel safe its all of these little touch points throughout the day. What you think is her nagging about that sock on the floor, you not taking out the trash, if you said you were going to go get milk and you didn’t, well these in the modern era are versions of you not being reliable and not being a safe partner. So if you aren’t doing this the element of safety is out the door. Now you’re creating stress for her, it would be impossible for her to relax and be present with you, which is required for arousal.”

There was a comment on the post of this interview that said, “basic things to keep your babe happy, hopefully for a little reward later 😉” - thinking about sex as a reward for you as a man goes to show that your woman is not truly attracted to you, unfortunately. Sex is a reward for the woman. Why? Because the woman is supposed to get something from the man in a relationship, otherwise, what would be the point of being a traditional “provider and protector” as a man? 

Women and men have both been lied to about this. Also, notice how nearly all the burden of performance is on men in this example. 

Most Men Are Generally Hopeless Romantics Leaning On Hedonism

Men absolutely must do their due diligence in a relationship, and I am not saying men shouldn’t help out around the house or anything, but to place all the burden of performance in a relationship on men to entertain and fulfill all the woman’s needs with the hopes a man will “hopefully get a little reward later” is hedonistic in among the most obnoxious ways. 

Men Really Believe Women Want A “Partnership”

90% of the time in my own life and every single time I’ve seen a man act as if his “partner” is on the “same level” as him, the relationship fails or there is little to no intimacy in the relationship long term. Being in a romantic relationship with a woman as a man is not about being in a partnership with her, it is about being on the same team together. A man is the one on the team who creates, calls the shots, and leads. Women multiply what the man creates and women enhance the mission of the man. 

This is not to degrade or demoralize women and men who are still programmed to believe women really want a “partnership,” it’s just about pointing out the facts of what works and what doesn’t. If you don’t believe this post, look at the divorce rates and look at who initiates the divorce 85% of the time. 

Most Men Would Be Traumatized If They Knew Women’s Nature

It is not that women are evil or that they are always plotting, it is that women are smarter and not as innocent as many men would like to think.

On the flip side, it isn’t that men are incompetent, unreliable leaders, it is that many men have been taught standing up for themselves makes them a “bad partner” which leads to men making unhealthy decisions that lead no one anywhere. 

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