The Godlike Savage Workshop

The Godlike Savage Workshop includes phone calls in which Thaddeus personally walks you through an array of spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual techniques to heal your mind, body, and soul. Following these calls, Thaddeus provides you with Godlike savage homework to complete by the next session. These sessions are scheduled as often as you'd like with the first session being 15-30 minutes to get to know each other better - free of charge.

This is the workshop for spiritual, emotional, and intellectual problems that no one else can fix. A good way to think about this course is uncertified counseling for those who are serious about wanting to make a change in their life. Modern education in the west is no longer intrinsically valuable and needs to be either replaced or reshaped. Persevere, and become a vessel of your own salvation.

Who is going to be the biggest obstacle on your journey to become a Godlike Savage? You. Who is going to have to do things that no one else has the courage to do? You. This workshop is not just about mindfulness, it is about committing to the wisest ways of life you can by fortifying your will to thrive under any circumstance life has to throw at you.

Price: $70 per hour session or $260 for 4 hour sessions throughout the month

The Narcissistic Healing Workshop

The Narcissistic Healing Workshop includes phone calls in which Thaddeus personally walks you through an array of spiritual, emotional, physical techniques to heal from trauma with narcissists. Following these calls, Thaddeus provides you with narcissistic healing homework to complete by the next session. These sessions are scheduled as often as you'd like with the first session being 15-30 minutes to see if we are compatible to work together - free of charge.

Have you ever been in a relationship where you don't know which way is up and which way is down, and then you are left feeling demoralized or dehumanized? Likely you have experienced a relationship with a narcissist. Whether the narcissist emotionally abused you, manipulated you, or you are dealing with smear campaigns, working through it is essential to spiritual healing and soulful healing.

In this workshop you will learn a variety of healing tools including, but not limited to, how to forgive yourself, how to work through internal wounds and emotions still needing to be addressed, how to parent yourself, deconstruct the programs of the narcissist by reprogramming your own mind, heal codependent behaviors, and learn how to set healthy boundaries.

Price: $60 per hour session or $220 for 4 hour sessions throughout the month

The Zen Workshop

The Zen Workshop includes phone calls in which Thaddeus personally walks you through different meditation techniques and provides you with mindfulness homework to complete by the next session. These sessions are scheduled as often as you'd like with the first session being 15-30 minutes to see if we are compatible to work together - free of charge.

The way of Zen is described by many who have mastered Zen as "boundless liberation of nirvanna." Thaddeus has not gone a day without meditating since December of 2019 and has developed his own practice using multiple methods of meditation including, but not limited to, Zen, transcendental meditation, mindfulness meditation, relaxation meditation, and Reiki.

In the Zen Workshop, you will learn basic principles of meditation and techniques that enhance your mindfulness skills. The goal of this meditation course is to help you dissolve boundaries and create new patterns of thought and experience life more totally.

Price: $60 per hour session or $220 for 4 hour sessions throughout the month

The Dream Interpretation Workshop

The Dream Interpretation Workshop includes phone calls in which Thaddeus personally walks you through interpretating your own dreams and provides you with dream interpretation homework to complete by the next session. These sessions are scheduled as often as you'd like with the first session being 15-30 minutes to see if we are compatible to work together - free of charge.

Documenting his dreams every night since August 2019, Thaddeus, founder of Regal Change, has used dreams as a spiritual map of physical existence. As Dr. Jordan Peterson says, dreams are the birthplace of reality. Through dream interpretation, one can understand something that the Ego does not yet know, and one can reflect what the personal unconcious is yearning to realize in conciousness.

In The Dream Interpretation Workshop, we will use a Jungian-like approach to understand your dreams. Carl Jung was a Swiss Psychoanalyst and developed a psychoanlytic idea of archytypes, which include impressions, influences, and fascinations with motifs in fantasies, dreams, and delusions of individuals. The goal of this approach is to be objective as possible in analyzing your dreams.

Price: $60 per hour session or $220 for 4 one hour sessions throughout the month

  • Andrew Bonifacio

    I am continuing to have a fulfilling experience with my consultations with Thaddeus.  I am someone who has been steadily attempting to get closer and closer towards the path of righteousness from removing vices and practicing celibacy. It has been a reinforcer in my conversations with him to continue my journey. 

    I have a general understanding of concepts from the likes of Jordan Peterson, Carl Jung, the Hero’s Journey, and the Bible that I try my best to put into practice.  It is hard to find support from someone that is attuned to these concepts well-read and intuitive. Thaddeus is ‘walking the walk’ and truly gets it. The consultations with him have been the additional encouragement I needed to, as Jordan Peterson says, to ‘clean my room’. 

  • Noah Voskamp

    In just 4 sessions, Thaddeus has enabled me to gain a lot of insight and awareness into my life. There were things that I was holding onto from my past that were limiting my spiritual and financial growth. There were old patterns that were causing me to repeat certain sins again and again. With my gained awareness I am able to rise above old destructive behaviours. I am not exaggerating when I say that my life has changed tremendously in the last month. I am at peace with my past, I am content in the present and very excited about the future. It was very seamless, too. The things that Thaddeus had me implement into my life were straight forward, and they didn’t take up too much time either. These sessions have taught me the importance of seeking out spiritual guidance. Iron sharpens iron.

  • Elijah Dunn

    I am very impressed and very satisfied with the service Thaddeus has offered me in his consultations. He has been kind, understanding, insightful, stern, forthright, patient, to the point, and very encouraging to say the least. It is very clear to me he has a gift for bringing the truth to light and being a leader. Thaddeus absolutely will not waste your time.

  • Tom

    Thaddeus is a man who allies with different kinds of broad points. He can easily be depicted for some as impure in his approach. But I actually have chosen him or God chose for me to partner up and get advice from him because he has a broadened point of view, and nonetheless understands very well that the only redeemer of this world is Jesus Christ. 

  • Anon

    Thaddeus has given me deep insight, and spiritual wisdom, to help me move forward in my life and help me climb the mountain of life.