Regal Change Fitness

Become the strongest, fittest, most internally durable man in your ancestry.

Regal Change Fitness is a new branch of specified services offered at Regal Change to improve your physical health.

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Count On Discipline, Not Motivation

Fitness Workshop

The Regal Change Fitness Workshop includes phone calls in which Thaddeus personally walks you through an array of physical, and intellectual techniques to strengthen your body by fortifying your mind, the foundation for the resilience of the spirit. Following these calls, Thaddeus provides you with homework to complete by the next session. These sessions are scheduled as often as you'd like with the first session being 15-30 minutes to get to know each other better - free of charge.

On any journey you are on, you are going to be your biggest obstacle. Especially in the fitness journey. This workshop is not just about fitness, it is about committing to the wisest ways of living a complete life

Price: $60 per hour session or $220 for 4 hour sessions throughout the month

Recipes and Workout Routines

Learn more about recipes and workout routines on the Regal Change Fitness YouTube Channel.

Start Fresh With Nutrition and Fitness

The body's health is a foundational focus to mind, spirit, and soul health. As the Buddha said, ""Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship."

The focus on fitness and nutrition extends benefits to the quality of life as whole. The aesthetic outcomes of a well-balanced fitness and nutrition regimen contribute to increased self-fulfillment and self-confidence. An amalgamation of a conscientious exercise routine and a nutritionally rich diet will provide the inner stability needed for a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.